pyffi.formats.cgf — Crytek (.cgf and .cga)


class pyffi.formats.cgf.CgfFormat

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.FileFormat

Stores all information about the cgf file format.

class AbstractMtlChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.formats.cgf.Chunk

Common parent for MtlChunk and MtlNameChunk.

class AbstractObjectChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.formats.cgf.Chunk

Common parent for HelperChunk and MeshChunk.

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A bone link.


Vertex weight.


The bone chunk.


The bone offset?

exception CgfError

Bases: Exception

Exception for CGF specific errors.

class ChunkHeader(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A CGF chunk header.


The chunk identifier.


Position of the chunk in the CGF file.


Type of chunk referred to.


Version of the chunk referred to.

class ChunkType(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.enum.EnumBase

An unsigned 32-bit integer, describing the chunk type.

class ChunkVersion(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.UInt

The version of a particular chunk, or the version of the chunk table.

class Data(filetype=4294901760, game='Far Cry')

Bases: pyffi.object_models.Data

A class to contain the actual cgf data.

Note that L{versions} and L{chunk_table} are not automatically kept in sync with the L{chunks}, but they are resynchronized when calling L{write}.

  • game – The cgf game.
  • header – The cgf header.
  • chunks – List of chunks (the actual data).
  • versions – List of chunk versions.
get_global_child_nodes(edge_filter=(True, True))

Returns chunks without parent.


Quickly checks whether the stream appears to contain cgf data, and read the cgf header and chunk table. Resets stream to original position.

Call this function if you only need to inspect the header and chunk table.

Parameters:stream (file) – The file to inspect.

This function checks the version only, and is faster than the usual inspect function (which reads the full chunk table). Sets the L{header} and L{game} instance variables if the stream contains a valid cgf file.

Call this function if you simply wish to check that a file is a cgf file without having to parse even the header.

Raises:ValueError – If the stream does not contain a cgf file.
Parameters:stream (file) – The stream from which to read.

Read a cgf file. Does not reset stream position.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream from which to read.

Update L{versions} for the given chunks and game.


Write a cgf file. The L{header} and L{chunk_table} are recalculated from L{chunks}. Returns number of padding bytes written (this is for debugging purposes only).

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to which to write.
Returns:Number of padding bytes written.
class ExportFlagsChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.formats.cgf.Chunk

Export information.

class FRGB(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

R32G32B32 (float).

class Face(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A mesh face.


Material index.


Smoothing group.


First vertex index.


Second vertex index.


Third vertex index.

class FileOffset(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.Int

Points to a position in a file.

class FileSignature(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.basic.BasicBase

The CryTek file signature with which every cgf file starts.


Return a hash value for the signature.

Returns:An immutable object that can be used as a hash.

Return number of bytes that the signature occupies in a file.

Returns:Number of bytes.

Get signature.

Returns:The signature.
read(stream, data)

Read signature from stream.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to read from.

Not implemented.

write(stream, data)

Write signature to stream.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to read from.
class FileType(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.enum.EnumBase

An unsigned 32-bit integer, describing the file type.

class GeomNameListChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Obsolete, not decoded.

class Header(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

The CGF header.


Position of the chunk table in the CGF file.


The CGF file signature.


The CGF file type (geometry or animation).


The version of the chunk table.

class IRGB(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase


class IRGBA(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase


class InitialPosMatrix(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A bone initial position matrix.

class MRMChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Obsolete, not decoded.

class MtlListChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Obsolete, not decoded.

class PatchMeshChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Obsolete, not decoded.

class Ptr(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.formats.cgf.Ref

Reference to a chunk, down the hierarchy.


Ptr does not point down, so get_refs returns empty list.

class Quat(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A quaternion (x,y,z,w).


Fourth coordinate.


First coordinate.


Second coordinate.


Third coordinate.

class Ref(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.basic.BasicBase

Reference to a chunk, up the hierarchy.

Resolve chunk index into a chunk.

Keyword Arguments:
 block_dct – Dictionary mapping block index to block.

Return a hash value for the chunk referred to.

Returns:An immutable object that can be used as a hash.

Return the chunk reference.

Returns:Empty list if no reference, or single item list containing the reference.

Return the chunk reference.

Returns:Empty list if no reference, or single item list containing the reference.

Return number of bytes this type occupies in a file.

Returns:Number of bytes.

Get chunk being referred to.

Returns:The chunk being referred to.
read(stream, data)

Read chunk index.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to read from.

Set chunk reference.

Parameters:value (L{CgfFormat.Chunk}) – The value to assign.
write(stream, data)

Write chunk index.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to write to.
class ScenePropsChunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Not decoded. Nowhere used?

class SizedString(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.basic.BasicBase, pyffi.object_models.editable.EditableLineEdit

Basic type for strings. The type starts with an unsigned int which describes the length of the string.

>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> f = TemporaryFile()
>>> from pyffi.object_models import FileFormat
>>> data = FileFormat.Data()
>>> s = SizedString()
>>> if f.write('\x07\x00\x00\x00abcdefg'.encode("ascii")): pass # ignore result for py3k
>>> if pass # ignore result for py3k
>>>, data)
>>> str(s)
>>> if pass # ignore result for py3k
>>> s.set_value('Hi There')
>>> s.write(f, data)
>>> if pass # ignore result for py3k
>>> m = SizedString()
>>>, data)
>>> str(m)
'Hi There'

Return a hash value for this string.

Returns:An immutable object that can be used as a hash.

Return number of bytes this type occupies in a file.

Returns:Number of bytes.

Return the string.

Returns:The stored string.
read(stream, data)

Read string from stream.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to read from.

Set string to C{value}.

Parameters:value (str) – The value to assign.
write(stream, data)

Write string to stream.

Parameters:stream (file) – The stream to write to.

alias of ZString

class String128(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString

String of fixed length 128.

class String16(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString

String of fixed length 16.

class String256(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString

String of fixed length 256.

class String32(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString

String of fixed length 32.

class String64(**kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString

String of fixed length 64.

class Tangent(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Tangents. Divide each component by 32767 to get the actual value.


Handness? Either 32767 (+1.0) or -32767 (-1.0).

class UV(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

Texture coordinate.

class UVFace(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase

A texture face (vertex indices).


First vertex index.


Second vertex index.


Third vertex index.

class UnknownAAFC0005Chunk(template=None, argument=None, parent=None)

Bases: pyffi.formats.cgf.Chunk

Unknown. An extra block written by the XSI exporter.


alias of Bool


alias of Byte


alias of Char


alias of Float


alias of Int


alias of Short


alias of UByte


alias of UInt


alias of UShort

static version_number(version_str)

Converts version string into an integer.

Parameters:version_str (str) – The version string.
Returns:A version integer.
>>> hex(CgfFormat.version_number('744'))

Regression tests

Read a CGF file

>>> # get file version and file type, and read cgf file
>>> from os.path import dirname
>>> dirpath = __file__
>>> for i in range(4): #recurse up to root repo dir
...     dirpath = dirname(dirpath)
>>> repo_root = dirpath
>>> format_root = os.path.join(repo_root, 'tests', 'formats', 'cgf')
>>> stream = open(os.path.join(format_root, 'test.cgf'), 'rb')
>>> data = CgfFormat.Data()
>>> # read chunk table only
>>> data.inspect(stream)
>>> # check chunk types
>>> list(chunktype.__name__ for chunktype in data.chunk_table.get_chunk_types())
['SourceInfoChunk', 'TimingChunk']
>>> data.chunks # no chunks yet
>>> # read full file
>>> # get all chunks
>>> for chunk in data.chunks:
...     print(chunk) 
<class '...SourceInfoChunk'> instance at ...
* source_file : <None>
* date : Fri Sep 28 22:40:44 2007
* author : blender@BLENDER

<class '...TimingChunk'> instance at ...
* secs_per_tick : 0.0002083333...
* ticks_per_frame : 160
* global_range :
    <class '...RangeEntity'> instance at ...
    * name : GlobalRange
    * start : 0
    * end : 100
* num_sub_ranges : 0

Parse all CGF files in a directory tree

>>> for stream, data in CgfFormat.walkData(format_root):
...     try:
...         # the replace call makes the doctest also pass on windows
...         os_path =
...         split = (os_path.split(os.sep))[-4:]
...         rejoin = os.path.join(*split).replace(os.sep, "/")
...         print("reading %s" % rejoin)
...     except Exception:
...         print("Warning: read failed due corrupt file, corrupt format description, or bug.")
...     print(len(data.chunks))
...     # do something with the chunks
...     for chunk in data.chunks:
...         chunk.apply_scale(2.0)
reading tests/formats/cgf/invalid.cgf
Warning: read failed due corrupt file, corrupt format description, or bug.
reading tests/formats/cgf/monkey.cgf
reading tests/formats/cgf/test.cgf
reading tests/formats/cgf/vcols.cgf

Create a CGF file from scratch

>>> from pyffi.formats.cgf import CgfFormat
>>> node1 = CgfFormat.NodeChunk()
>>> = "hello"
>>> node2 = CgfFormat.NodeChunk()
>>> node1.num_children = 1
>>> node1.children.update_size()
>>> node1.children[0] = node2
>>> = "world"
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> stream = TemporaryFile()
>>> data = CgfFormat.Data() # default is far cry
>>> data.chunks = [node1, node2]
>>> # note: write returns number of padding bytes
>>> data.write(stream)
>>> # py3k returns 0 on seek; this hack removes return code from doctest
>>> if pass
>>> data.inspect_version_only(stream)
>>> hex(data.header.version)
>>> # get all chunks
>>> for chunk in data.chunks:
...     print(chunk) 
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...
* name : hello
* object : None
* parent : None
* num_children : 1
* material : None
* is_group_head : False
* is_group_member : False
* reserved_1 :
    <class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
    0: 0
    1: 0
* transform :
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* pos : [  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* rot :
    <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Quat'> instance at 0x...
    * x : 0.0
    * y : 0.0
    * z : 0.0
    * w : 0.0
* scl : [  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* pos_ctrl : None
* rot_ctrl : None
* scl_ctrl : None
* property_string : <None>
* children :
    <class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
    0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...

<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...
* name : world
* object : None
* parent : None
* num_children : 0
* material : None
* is_group_head : False
* is_group_member : False
* reserved_1 :
    <class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
    0: 0
    1: 0
* transform :
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
    [  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* pos : [  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* rot :
    <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Quat'> instance at 0x...
    * x : 0.0
    * y : 0.0
    * z : 0.0
    * w : 0.0
* scl : [  0.000  0.000  0.000 ]
* pos_ctrl : None
* rot_ctrl : None
* scl_ctrl : None
* property_string : <None>
* children : <class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...